General Utils
General utils used by Vue Components you may also find useful in your Apps:
import { useUtils } from "@servicestack/vue"
const {
dateInputFormat, // Format Date into required input[type=date] format
timeInputFormat, // Format TimeSpan or Date into required input[type=time] format
setRef, // Double set reactive Ref<T> to force triggering updates
unRefs, // Returns a dto with all Refs unwrapped
transition, // Update reactive `transition` class based on Tailwind animation transition rule-set
focusNextElement, // Set focus to the next element inside a HTML Form
getTypeName, // Resolve Request DTO name from a Request DTO instance
htmlTag, // HTML Tag builder
htmlAttrs, // Convert object dictionary into encoded HTML attributes
linkAttrs, // Convert HTML Anchor attributes into encoded HTML attributes
toAppUrl, // Resolve Absolute URL from relative path
isPrimitive, // Check if value is a scalar type
isComplexType, // Check if value is a non-scalar type
} = useUtils()
TypeScript Definition​
TypeScript definition of the API surface area and type information for correct usage of useUtils()
/** Format Date into required input[type=date] format */
declare function dateInputFormat(d: Date): string;
/** Format TimeSpan or Date into required input[type=time] format */
declare function timeInputFormat(s?: string | number | Date | null): string;
/** Double set reactive Ref<T> to force triggering updates */
declare function setRef($ref: Ref<any>, value: any): void;
/** Returns a dto with all Refs unwrapped */
declare function unRefs(o: any): any;
/** Update reactive `transition` class based on Tailwind animation transition rule-set */
declare function transition(rule: TransitionRules, transition: Ref<string>, show: boolean): void;
/** Set focus to the next element inside a HTML Form */
declare function focusNextElement(): void;
/** Resolve Request DTO name from a Request DTO instance */
declare function getTypeName(dto: any): any;
/** HTML Tag builder */
declare function htmlTag(tag: string, child?: string, attrs?: any): string;
/** Convert object dictionary into encoded HTML attributes */
declare function htmlAttrs(attrs: any): string;
/** Convert HTML Anchor attributes into encoded HTML attributes */
declare function linkAttrs(attrs: {
href: string;
cls?: string;
target?: string;
rel?: string;
}): {
target: string;
rel: string;
class: string;
} & {
href: string;
cls?: string | undefined;
target?: string | undefined;
rel?: string | undefined;
/** Resolve Absolute URL from relative path */
declare function toAppUrl(url: string): string | undefined;
/** Check if value is a scalar type */
declare function isPrimitive(value: any): boolean;
/** Check if value is a non-scalar type */
declare function isComplexType(value: any): boolean;