Safely run DB Apps on a single server at low cost

Simple & Fast! Litestream reliably runs most Apps, fast on a single server, with continuous backups to cheap managed storage

Reduce Complexity & Save Costs

Litestream performs continuous, per second backups to AWS S3, Azure Blob Storage & SFTP providing resilient, cost effective point-in-time restore functionality Avoid expensive managed RDBMS servers, reduce complexity by replicating to cheap managed storage with 11 9's durability

Savings at Scale

SQLite directly benefits from improving hardware's faster CPUs and SSDs with superior locality to comfortably handle most App's needs.

Effortless Migrations

No Lock-in. Migrate off whenever you want.
Using SQLite with OrmLite's fast, typed APIs lets you easily migrate to any of its supported RDBMS with just configuration, no other code changes required.

How it works

Litestream is run as a sidecar Docker container, activated on each deployment to handle restoring & replicating changes from its configured storage

Create Litestream Jamstack Apps

To make working with Litestream easy, we've created GitHub Action Docker Compose configurations for each of Litestream's popular Storage options that you can mix & match with any modern C# Project Template below:
NBC Universal
Progress Software