AutoQueryGrid Component
Default CRUD​
By default you can create an AutoQueryGrid that allows authorized users the ability to Create, Read, Update & Delete records with just the DataModel, e.g:
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" />
This will utilize your App's existing AutoQuery APIs for the specified DataModel to enable its CRUD functionality.
Read Only​
You can use apis
to limit which AutoQuery APIs AutoQueryGrid should use, so if only the AutoQuery DTO is provided, the AutoQueryGrid will only be browsable in read-only mode:
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" apis="QueryBookings" />
Table Styles
The same DataGrid Table Styles can also be used to style AutoQueryGrid, e.g:
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" tableStyle="verticalLines,uppercaseHeadings" />
Custom Styles
The AutoQueryGrid's appearance is further customizable with the property classes & functions below:
toolbarButtonClass: string
tableStyle: "simple" | "fullWidth" | "stripedRows" | "whiteBackground" | "uppercaseHeadings" | "verticalLines"
gridClass: string
grid2Class: string
grid3Class: string
grid4Class: string
tableClass: string
theadClass: string
tbodyClass: string
theadRowClass: string
theadCellClass: string
rowClass:(model:any,i:number) => string
rowStyle:(model:any,i:number) => StyleValue
Custom AutoQueryGrid
Different AutoQueryGrid features can be hidden with hide
and functionality disabled with deny
, e.g:
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" hide="pagingNav,copyApiUrl,downloadCsv" deny="filtering" />
Features that can be hidden and disabled include:
deny: "filtering" | "queryString" | "queryFilters"
hide: "toolbar" | "preferences" | "pagingNav" | "pagingInfo" | "downloadCsv" | "refresh"
| "copyApiUrl" | "filtersView" | "newItem" | "resetPreferences"
Global AutoQueryGrid Configuration
These features can also be disabled at a global level, applying to all <AutoQueryGrid>
components with setConfig, e.g:
const { setAutoQueryGridDefaults } = useConfig()
hide: ['pagingNav','copyApiUrl','downloadCsv']
Limit Columns
By default AutoQueryGrid displays all public properties returned in its AutoQuery API which can be further limited with selected-columns
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" selectedColumns="id,name,roomType,roomNumber,cost" />
Simple Responsive Columns
Using visible-from
is a simple way to enable a responsive DataGrid by specifying at which Tailwind breakpoints
columns should be visible from and header-titles
to use friendlier aliases for different columns, e.g:
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking"
:headerTitles="{ roomNumber:'Room', bookingStartDate:'Start', bookingEndDate:'End' }"
:visibleFrom="{ bookingStartDate:'lg', bookingEndDate:'xl' }" />
Custom Responsive Columns
Which columns are displayed and how they're formatted are further customizable with <template #column>
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" :visibleFrom="{ name:'xl', bookingStartDate:'sm', bookingEndDate:'xl', createdBy:'2xl' }">
<template #id="{ id }">
<span class="text-gray-900" v-html="id"></span>
<template #name="{ name }" v-html="name"></template>
<template #roomNumber-header>
<span class="hidden lg:inline">Room </span>No
<template #cost="{ cost }" v-html="currency(cost)"></template>
<template #bookingStartDate-header>
Start<span class="hidden lg:inline"> Date</span>
<template #bookingEndDate-header>
End<span class="hidden lg:inline"> Date</span>
<template #createdBy-header>
<template #createdBy="{ createdBy }" v-html="createdBy"></template>
Custom Functionality
The column template slots can be leveraged to implement custom functionality, e.g. instead of navigating to separate pages to manage related data we can use a custom column to manage Booking Coupons from within the same grid, e.g:
<AutoQueryGrid type="Booking" selectedColumns="id,name,cost,bookingStartDate,bookingEndDate,discount">
<template #discount="{ discount }">
<TextLink v-if="discount" class="flex items-end" @click.stop="showCoupon(" :title="">
<Icon class="w-5 h-5 mr-1" type="Coupon" />
<PreviewFormat :value="discount.description" />
<AutoEditForm v-if="coupon" type="UpdateCoupon" v-model="coupon" @done="close" @save="close" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue"
import { useClient } from "@servicestack/vue"
import { QueryCoupons } from "dtos"
const client = useClient()
const coupon = ref()
async function showCoupon(id:string) {
const api = await client.api(new QueryCoupons({ id }))
if (api.succeeded) {
coupon.value = api.response!.results[0]
const close = () => coupon.value = null
Data Reference Labels
AutoQuery is able to infer relationships from the POCO References of your Data Models where if your DataModel includes [Reference]
attributes so that its related Data is returned in your AutoQuery APIs, AutoQueryGrid will be able to make use of it to render the Contacts & Job Names and Icons instead of just the plain Foreign Key Ids.
An example of this in the JobApplications DataModel DTO:
[Icon(Svg = Icons.Application)]
public class JobApplication : AuditBase
public int Id { get; set; }
public int JobId { get; set; }
public int ContactId { get; set; }
public Job Position { get; set; }
public Contact Applicant { get; set; }
public List<JobApplicationComment> Comments { get; set; }
public DateTime AppliedDate { get; set; }
public JobApplicationStatus ApplicationStatus { get; set; }
Which AutoQueryGrid uses to automatically display the Job and Contact name instead of their ids:
<AutoQueryGrid type="JobApplication" :prefs="{take:5}" />
With the original ids are discoverable by hovering over the Job & Contact labels.
Reference Fields​
By default AutoQuery will infer using the first string column of the related table for its label, this information can also be explicitly defined
with the [Ref]
attribute, e.g:
public class JobApplication : AuditBase
public int Id { get; set; }
[Ref(Model=nameof(Job), RefId=nameof(Job.Id), RefLabel=nameof(Job.Title))]
public int JobId { get; set; }
[Ref(Model=nameof(Contact), RefId=nameof(Contact.Id), RefLabel=nameof(Contact.DisplayName))]
public int ContactId { get; set; }
Alternatively you can use [Ref(None=true)]
to disable any implicit inferences and render the FK property Ids as-is.
When displaying referential data you can tell AutoQueryGrid to hide rendering the complex data references as well columns
using [Format(FormatMethods.Hidden)]
AutoQueryGrid Template Slots​
AutoQueryGrid supports a number of Vue slots to customize its built-in UIs,
including formheader
and formfooter
slots to insert custom content before and after the Auto Create & Edit components forms:
<template #formheader="{ form, type, apis, model, id }">
<template #formfooter="{ form, type, apis, model, id }">
This feature is used to implement Locode's Audit History UI for displaying the Audit History of each record in the bottom of the Edit Form for Authorized Users, implemented with:
<AutoQueryGrid :key="store.opDataModel" ref="grid" :type="store.opDataModel">
<template #formfooter="{ form, type, apis, model, id }">
<AuditEvents v-if="form === 'edit' && canAccessCrudEvents" class="mt-4" :key="id" :type="type" :id="id" />
Which loads the AuditEvents.mjs component at the bottom of Edit forms, allowing Admin Users to inspect the Audit History of each record:
Alternatively you can replace the entire Create and Edit Forms used with the createform
and editforms
<template #createform="{ form, apis, type }">
<template #editform="{ form, apis, type }">
Additional toolbar buttons can be added with the toolbarbuttons
slot, e.g:
<template #toolbarbuttons="{ toolbarButtonClass }">
<div class="pl-2 mt-1">
<button type="button" @click="customAction" :class="toolbarButtonClass">
<span class="whitespace-nowrap">My Action</span>
Alternatively you can replace the entire toolbar with your own with:
<template #toolbar>
All other template slots are passed down to the embedded DataGrid component where they can be used to customize column headers and cells.
AutoQueryGrid Properties​
Additional customizations available using AutoQueryGrid properties include:
filterDefinitions?: AutoQueryConvention[]
id?: string
apis?: string|string[]
type?: string|InstanceType<any>|Function
prefs?: ApiPrefs
deny?: string|GridAllowOptions|GridAllowOptions[]
hide?: string|GridShowOptions|GridShowOptions[]
toolbarButtonClass?: string
tableStyle?: TableStyleOptions
gridClass?: string
grid2Class?: string
grid3Class?: string
grid4Class?: string
tableClass?: string
theadClass?: string
tbodyClass?: string
theadRowClass?: string
theadCellClass?: string
headerTitle?:(name:string) => string
headerTitles?: {[name:string]:string}
visibleFrom?: {[name:string]:Breakpoint}
rowClass?:(model:any,i:number) => string
rowStyle?:(model:any,i:number) => StyleValue | undefined
apiPrefs?: ApiPrefs
canFilter?:(column:string) => boolean
disableKeyBindings?:(column:string) => boolean
configureField?: (field:InputProp) => void
skip?: number
create?: boolean
edit?: string|number
AutoQueryGrid Events​
Whilst the headerSelected
and rowSelected
events can be used to invoke custom functionality when column headers and rows are selected:
(e: "headerSelected", name:string, ev:Event): void
(e: "rowSelected", item:any, ev:Event): void
Powers Locode​
AutoQueryGrid is already used extensively and is the key component that enables Locode's Instant Auto UI to manage your App's AutoQuery CRUD APIs.