DataGrid Component
In its most simple usage the DataGrid component can be used to render typed collections:
<DataGrid :items="tracks" />
const tracks = [
track("Everythings Ruined", "Faith No More", "Angel Dust", 1992),
track("Lightning Crashes", "Live", "Throwing Copper", 1994),
track("Heart-Shaped Box", "Nirvana", "In Utero", 1993),
track("Alive", "Pearl Jam", "Ten", 1991),
Which by default will display all object properties:
Use selected-columns to control which columns to display and header-titles to use different column names:
<DataGrid :items="tracks" :selected-columns="['year','album','name','artist']" :header-titles="{ name:'Track' }" />
Which for a wrist-friendly alternative also supports a string of comma delimited column names, e.g:
<DataGrid :items="tracks" selected-columns="year,album,name,artist" />
Simple Customizations​
Which columns are shown and how they're rendered is customizable with custom <template #column>
<DataGrid :items="forecasts" class="max-w-screen-md" ::tableStyle="['stripedRows','uppercaseHeadings']"
:header-titles="{ temperatureC:'TEMP. (C)', temperatureF:'TEMP. (F)' }">
<template #date-header>
<span class="text-indigo-600">Date</span>
<template #date="{ date }">
{{ new Intl.DateTimeFormat().format(new Date(date)) }}
<template #temperatureC="{ temperatureC }">
{{ temperatureC }}°
<template #temperatureF="{ temperatureF }">
{{ temperatureF }}°
<template #summary="{ summary }">{{ summary }}</template>
Column names can be changed with a header-titles alias mapping, or dynamically with a header-title mapping function.
Alternatively for more advanced customizations, custom <template #column-header>
definitions can be used
to control how column headers are rendered.
If any custom column or header definitions are provided, only those columns will be displayed. Alternatively specify an explicit array of column names in selected-columns to control the number and order or columns displayed.
A more advanced example showing how to implement a responsive datagrid defining what columns and Headers
are visible at different screen sizes using visible-from to specify which columns to show
from different Tailwind responsive breakpoints and <template #column-header>
definitions to
collapse column names at small screen sizes:
<DataGrid :items="bookings"
:visible-from="{ name:'xl', bookingStartDate:'sm', bookingEndDate:'xl' }"
@row-selected="rowSelected" :is-selected="row => selected ==">
<template #id="{ id }">
<span class="text-gray-900" v-html="id"></span>
<template #name="{ name }" v-html="name"></template>
<template #roomNumber-header>
<span class="hidden lg:inline">Room </span>No
<template #cost="{ cost }" v-html="currency(cost)"></template>
<template #bookingStartDate-header>
Start<span class="hidden lg:inline"> Date</span>
<template #bookingEndDate-header>
End<span class="hidden lg:inline"> Date</span>
<template #createdBy-header>
<template #createdBy="{ createdBy }" v-html="createdBy"></template>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useFormatters } from '@servicestack/vue'
import { bookings } from '../data'
import { Booking } from '../dtos'
const { currency } = useFormatters()
const selected = ref()
function headerSelected(column:string) {
function rowSelected(row:Booking) {
selected.value = selected.value === ? null :
console.log('rowSelected', row)
Behavior of the DataGrid can be customized with the @header-selected
event to handle when column headers are selected to
apply custom filtering to the items data source whilst the @row-selected
event can be used to apply custom behavior
when a row is selected.
Using Formatters​
Your App and custom templates can also utilize @servicestack/vue's built-in formatting functions from:
import { useFormatters } from '@servicestack/vue'
const {
Formats, // Available format methods to use in <PreviewFormat />
formatValue, // Format any value or object graph
currency, // Format number as Currency
bytes, // Format number in human readable disk size
link, // Format URL as <a> link
linkTel, // Format Phone Number as <a> tel: link
linkMailTo, // Format email as <a> mailto: link
icon, // Format Image URL as an Icon
iconRounded, // Format Image URL as a full rounded Icon
attachment, // Format File attachment URL as an Attachment
hidden, // Format as empty string
time, // Format duration in time format
relativeTime, // Format Date as Relative Time from now
relativeTimeFromMs, // Format time in ms as Relative Time from now
formatDate, // Format as Date
formatNumber, // Format as Number
} = useFormatters()
Many of these formatting functions return rich HTML markup which will need to be rendered using Vue's v-html directive:
<span v-html="formatValue(value)"></span>
The PreviewFormat component also offers a variety of flexible formatting options.
Table Styles​
The appearance of DataGrids can use tableStyles to change to different Tailwind Table Styles, e.g:
Default (Striped Rows)​
<DataGrid :items="tracks" />
<DataGrid :items="tracks" tableStyle="simple" />
Uppercase Headings​
<DataGrid :items="tracks" tableStyle="uppercaseHeadings" />
Vertical Lines​
<DataGrid :items="tracks" tableStyle="verticalLines" />
White Background​
<DataGrid :items="tracks" tableStyle="whiteBackground" />
Full Width​
<DataGrid :items="tracks" tableStyle="fullWidth" />
Full Width, Uppercase with Vertical Lines​
<DataGrid :items="tracks" :tableStyle="['uppercaseHeadings', 'fullWidth', 'verticalLines']" />
Using App Metadata​
By default DataGrid will render values using its default configured formatters, so results with strings, numbers and defaults will display a stock standard resultset:
<DataGrid :items="bookings" />
Another option for formatting this dataset is to use the rich format functions in ServiceStack to annotate the DTOs with how each field should be formatted, e.g:
public class Booking
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public RoomType RoomType { get; set; }
public int RoomNumber { get; set; }
public DateTime BookingStartDate { get; set; }
public DateTime? BookingEndDate { get; set; }
[IntlNumber(Currency = NumberCurrency.USD)]
public decimal Cost { get; set; }
Which can be enabled when using useMetadata by specifying the MetadataType
for the DataGrid's results in type:
<DataGrid :items="bookings" type="Booking" />
Declaratively annotating your DTOs with preferred formatting hints makes this rich metadata information available to clients where it's used to enhance ServiceStack's built-in UI's and Components like: