JSON, JSV, CSV, Http Utils, Auto Mapping, Dump Utils, .NET type extensions + more...
terse, intuitive, beautiful code
packs a punch:
var orgName = "ServiceStack"; var orgRepos = $"https://api.github.com/orgs/{orgName}/repos" .GetJsonFromUrl(httpReq => httpReq.UserAgent = "ServiceStack.Text") .FromJson<List<GithubRepository>>(); $"Writing {orgName} Github Repositories:".Print(); orgRepos.PrintDump(); var csvFilePath = $"~/{orgName}-repos.csv".MapAbsolutePath(); File.WriteAllText(csvFilePath, orgRepos.ToCsv()); Process.Start(csvFilePath);
Write this GitHub organization repository info out to a .csv spreadsheet:
Deep inside all of ServiceStack's premium libraries lies a high-performance core containing all of ServiceStack's super text powers. Centered around .NET's fastest full-featured JSON Serializer is a convenient utility belt containing 100's of extensions enhancing .NET's built-in String, Stream, Bytes, List, Dictionary, Reflection, Task, WebRequest types and more.
NuGet package contains support for both .NET v4.5+ and .NET Standard 2.0 (.NET Core 5/3/2).
Use .Core package if running ASP.NET Core on .NET Framework.
Android, iOS, Xamarin.Forms, UWP and WPF clients:
A typed .NET client gateway for accessing Stripe's REST API to process merchant payments and recurring subscriptions online.