Typed Open AI Chat & Ollama APIs in 11 Languages

Typed Open AI Chat & Ollama APIs in 11 Languages Background
5 min read

A happy consequence of the release of AI Server is that its OpenAiChatCompletion API is an Open AI Chat compatible API that can be used to access other LLM API Gateways, like Open AI's Chat GPT, Open Router, Mistral AI, GroqCloud as well as self-hosted Ollama instances directly in 11 of the most popular Web, Mobile & Desktop languages.

This is a great opportunity to showcase the simplicity and flexibility of the Add ServiceStack Reference feature where invoking APIs are all done the same way in all languages where the same generic Service Client can be used to call any ServiceStack API by downloading their typed API DTOs and sending its populated Request DTO.

Typically your baseUrl would be the URL of the remote ServiceStack API, but in this case we're using the generic JSON Service Client and Typed DTOs to call an external Open AI Chat API directly, e.g. to call your local self-hosted Ollama Server you'd use:

var baseUrl = "http://localhost:11434";

We'll use this to show how to call Open AI Chat APIs in 11 different languages:


Install the ServiceStack.Client NuGet package:

<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Client" Version="8.*" />

Download AI Server's C# DTOs with x dotnet tool:

x csharp https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonApiClient:

using ServiceStack;

var client = new JsonApiClient(baseUrl);

var result = await client.PostAsync<OpenAiChatResponse>("/v1/chat/completions",
    new OpenAiChatCompletion {
        Model = "mixtral:8x22b",
        Messages = [
            new () { Role = "user", Content = "What's the capital of France?" }
        MaxTokens = 50


Install the @servicestack/client npm package:

npm install @servicestack/client

Download AI Server's TypeScript DTOs:

npx get-dtos typescript https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

import { JsonServiceClient } from "@servicestack/client"
import { OpenAiChatCompletion } from "./dtos"

const client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl)

const result = await client.postToUrl("/v1/chat/completions",
    new OpenAiChatCompletion({
        model: "mixtral:8x22b",
        messages: [
            { role: "user", content: "What's the capital of France?" }
        max_tokens: 50


Save servicestack-client.mjs to your project

Define an Import Map referencing its saved location

<script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
            "@servicestack/client": "/js/servicestack-client.mjs"

Download AI Server's ESM JavaScript DTOs:

npx get-dtos mjs https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

import { JsonServiceClient } from "@servicestack/client"
import { OpenAiChatCompletion } from "./dtos.mjs"

const client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl)

const result = await client.postToUrl("/v1/chat/completions",
    new OpenAiChatCompletion({
        model: "mixtral:8x22b",
        messages: [
            { role: "user", content: "What's the capital of France?" }
        max_tokens: 50


Install the servicestack PyPI package:

pip install servicestack

Download AI Server's Python DTOs:

npx get-dtos python https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

from servicestack import JsonServiceClient
from my_app.dtos import *

client = JsonServiceClient(baseUrl)

result = client.post_url("/v1/chat/completions",OpenAiChatCompletion(
        OpenAiMessage(role="user",content="What's the capital of France?")


Include servicestack package in your projects pubspec.yaml:

servicestack: ^3.0.1

Download AI Server's Dart DTOs:

npx get-dtos dart https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:servicestack/client.dart';

var client = JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);

var result = await client.postToUrl('/v1/chat/completions', 
      ..model = 'mixtral:8x22b'
      ..max_tokens = 50
      ..messages = [
          ..role = 'user'
          ..content = "What's the capital of France?"


Include servicestack/client package in your projects composer.json:

"servicestack/client": "^1.0"

Download AI Server's PHP DTOs:

npx get-dtos php https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

use ServiceStack\JsonServiceClient;
use dtos\OpenAiChatCompletion;
use dtos\OpenAiMessage;

$client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);
$client->bearerToken = apiKey;

/** @var {OpenAiChatCompletionResponse} $response */
$result = $client->postUrl('/v1/chat/completions', 
    body: new OpenAiChatCompletion(
        model: "mixtral:8x22b",
        messages: [
            new OpenAiMessage(
                role: "user",
                content: "What's the capital of France?"
        max_tokens: 50


Include net.servicestack:client package in your projects build.gradle:

implementation 'net.servicestack:client:1.1.3'

Download AI Server's Java DTOs:

npx get-dtos java https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

import net.servicestack.client.*;
import java.util.Collections;

var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);

OpenAiChatResponse result = client.post("/v1/chat/completions", 
    new OpenAiChatCompletion()
        .setMessages(Utils.createList(new OpenAiMessage()
                .setContent("What's the capital of France?")


Include net.servicestack:client package in your projects build.gradle:

implementation 'net.servicestack:client:1.1.3'

Download AI Server's Kotlin DTOs:

npx get-dtos kotlin https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

package myapp
import net.servicestack.client.*

val client = JsonServiceClient(baseUrl)

val result: OpenAiChatResponse = client.post("/v1/chat/completions", 
    OpenAiChatCompletion().apply {
        model = "mixtral:8x22b"
        messages = arrayListOf(OpenAiMessage().apply {
            role = "user"
            content = "What's the capital of France?"
        maxTokens = 50


Include ServiceStack package in your projects Package.swift

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/ServiceStack/ServiceStack.Swift.git",

Download AI Server's Swift DTOs:

npx get-dtos swift https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonServiceClient:

import Foundation
import ServiceStack

let client = JsonServiceClient(baseUrl:baseUrl)

let request = OpenAiChatCompletion()
request.model = "mixtral:8x22b"
let msg =  OpenAiMessage()
msg.role = "user"
msg.content = "What's the capital of France?"
request.messages = [msg]
request.max_tokens = 50

let result:OpenAiChatResponse = try await client.postAsync(
    "/v1/chat/completions", request:request)


Install the ServiceStack.Client NuGet package:

<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Client" Version="8.*" />

Download AI Server's F# DTOs with x dotnet tool:

x fsharp https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonApiClient:

open ServiceStack
open ServiceStack.Text

let client = new JsonApiClient(baseUrl)

let result = client.Post<OpenAiChatCompletionResponse>("/v1/chat/completions", 
        Model = "mixtral:8x22b",
        Messages = ResizeArray [
                Role = "user",
                Content = "What's the capital of France?"
        MaxTokens = 50))


Install the ServiceStack.Client NuGet package:

<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Client" Version="8.*" />

Download AI Server's VB.NET DTOs with x dotnet tool:

x vbnet https://openai.servicestack.net

Call API by sending OpenAiChatCompletion Request DTO with JsonApiClient:

Imports ServiceStack
Imports ServiceStack.Text

Dim client = New JsonApiClient(baseUrl)

Dim result = Await client.PostAsync(Of OpenAiChatResponse)(
    New OpenAiChatCompletion() With {
        .Model = "mixtral:8x22b",
        .Messages = New List(Of OpenAiMessage) From {
            New OpenAiMessage With {
                .Role = "user",
                .Content = "What's the capital of France?"
        .MaxTokens = 50