.NET Technology Show

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C# Background Jobs

Taking a deep dive into C# Background Jobs, a new library for .NET 8 Apps for simplifying task scheduling and management

This episode covers Background Jobs, a new library for .NET 8 Apps which provides a mechanism for managing and scheduling background tasks.

This feature allows developers to execute existing APIs or custom commands in the background, schedule recurring tasks using cron expressions or Time Spans, and track the status and progress of jobs.

Background Jobs uses SQLite for persistence and offers a real-time administration UI for monitoring and managing tasks. It covers an overview of the feature's capabilities, including how to use it, configure options, and implementing custom commands.

Getting Started

Create any new Identity Auth template which is pre-configured with Background Jobs, e.g:

Blazor Vue

Alternatively create a new project with the x dotnet tool:

x new blazor-vue ProjectName
